INTRODUCTION One thing is for sure! It's a good idea to have a job that gives you money or you search for it. If you do not fall into this category then I'm not sure reading this article will excite or interest you, believe me! But if you have a job and you hope to improve it or find another way to earn an income, then come on! The larger world population is based on youths and young people who generate a good percentage of the workforce. There are energetic, energetic, and many joule-burning people who perfect their tasks. Because of the educational revolution that has made many people appreciate the beauty of the awakening of the mind, most of these young people go to colleges, universities and other institutions to develop themselves. But there are challenges. The available work does not equate the number of eligible people in the field; for the latter exceeds the very first. It's like a phenomenon that is experienced almost all over the world, with minimal exceptions in developed countries. This has made people able to be in the labor market to investigate independent education and self-employment to help their situation. This has helped to some extent, but it still requires deep modification because being your own boss does not mean being your own client as well. Therefore, customers who need your services should contact you before you can showcase the skills you get. It's like a phenomenon that is experienced almost all over the world, with minimal exceptions in developed countries. This has made people able to be in the labor market to investigate independent education and self-employment to help their situation. This has helped to some extent, but it still requires deep modification because being your own boss does not mean being your own client as well. Therefore, customers who need your services should contact you before you can showcase the skills you get. It's like a phenomenon that is experienced almost all over the world, with minimal exceptions in developed countries. This has made people able to be in the labor market to investigate independent education and self-employment to help their situation. This has helped to some extent, but it still requires deep modification because being your own boss does not mean being your own client as well. Therefore, customers who need your services should contact you before you can showcase the skills you get. but it still requires a deep modification because being your own boss does not mean being your own client as well. Therefore, customers who need your services should contact you before you can showcase the skills you get. but it still requires a deep modification because being your own boss does not mean being your own client as well. Therefore, customers who need your services should contact you before you can showcase the skills you get.

So what happens if you do not have a platform to advertise yourself and the skills you get adequately? Someone might suggest "What about LinkedIn, is not that helpful"? He tried but did not develop enough to face the new challenges that have arisen. It is in this record that I am happy to introduce you, JUBS - the Decentralization Platform for Service Finders and Service Providers. This network is running and lubricated by HONOR. And for the sake of emphasis, this service is clearly available in South America just for now. As time passes, this revolution will cover the earth. See https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/appjubs/HONOR+-+WHITEPAPER+1.2+-+EN-US.pdffor a complete beautiful template.

"HOW DOES THIS HONOR HALOR"? To efficiently understand the modus operandi of HONOR, it is imperative that the whole JUBS concept is digested first. JUBS Tecnologia em Serviços LTDA is an idealized Brazilian startup company by 2015, selected by Brazil's largest accelerator - Inovativa Brasil - among the 300 most innovative Brazilian startup companies in 2017. JUBS launched in version 1.0 in the form of an application service market after extensive market research and product validation. Throughout the process, he has established solid partnerships with companies such as Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook, and today underwent a strategic transition from decentralization, migrating from competitive business models to cooperatives.

With the emergence of the beautiful Ethereal blockchain technology, JUBS continues to expand this development by upgrading how everything works around and also by introducing new age money; HONOR cryptocurrency is a crypto used to run the JUBS platform and lubricate financial transactions around. That's easy to understand right? Seehttps: //s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/appjubs/HONOR+-+WHITEPAPER+1.2+-+EN-US.pdf for more mind-blowing facts. Now let's go deeper. Unemployment is a big fear for almost every country in the world because the number of hands that are able to form the workforce now exceeds the number of jobs available. Across Latin America, 

According to the latest report of the Ibero-American Youth Organization (OIJ), there are more than 157 million millennia in Latin America. By 2020, 50% of the world's workforce will be a thousand years old and five years later, that volume will increase by up to 75%. Currently, the unemployment rate among young people is three times higher than the rate among adults. Only in Brazil, there are more than 30 million people providing services in their homes or in third-party homes, making this sector accountable for 10% of Brazil's GDP by 2016, or about US $ 40 billion per year. Sounds like a good space to invest right? HOW TO USE JUBS?

JUBS is more like a classic network that matches service seekers and service providers for a reasonable fee. JUBS is very useful and promising as the best football team in the world. You decide where! Here is a series of pictures to prove my point.

  Emphasize to the Service Keeper

  Emphasize to the Service Provider

  Everyone is free from stress and suspicion / distrust.

Please note that payments for services on this platform can be made using;
If there is a dispute after childbirth or at the business stage between the searcher and the service provider, they do not need to go to a conventional court in the community as this will spend colossal time, the resources to hire a lawyer and even big money to spend on transport if both parties live in remote areas of the country. JUBS has solved this problem because it has built an internal mechnism to resolve disputes between parties. Also in the spirit of a fair trial, the provision for appeals has been made as well. "Can it get better"?
  This is how it looks in photography.

TOKEN SALE Crypto GONDON HONOR (HNR) is the main financial instrument of transactions on the JUBS platform. Sales during the ICO campaign will begin in 2018. HONOR Cryptococcus (HNOR) will be distributed at an HTH ratio of 1 ETH to participants - based on daily rates - in the initial contribution period, beginning on January 15, 2018. The initial contribution period will run for 4 weeks or in less than 24 hours if the USD 15M ceiling is reached (explained on page 22).

See https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/appjubs/HONOR+-+WHITEPAPER+1.2+-+EN-US.pdf for purchases and more details about the token sale. Do not fail to put your money where your heart has faith in: https://honor.appjubs.com/

For more information about ICO please visit;

Official Website: https://honor.appjubs.com/
Official Whitepaper: https://s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/appjubs/HONOR+-+WHITEPAPER+1.2+-+EN-US.pdf

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2620238.0

Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GDGcbQ_WUS543DwkIWQy4A



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