Terawatt is a patent-pending, renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a DAO, and also a deflationary Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide.
The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses upgrading to L.E.D.s). Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens. Circulating Supply: 65 million (supply will decrease exponentially in an s-curve to as low as 1 million tokens over time). This is due to our continuous coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50–75% of company profits earned from DAO entry/exit fees, and other to buy back and burn tokens daily.
About Terawatt
Leverage blockchain technology to help reduce global lighting electricity consumption 50 percent (roughly 2000 Terawatts) by 2035, while also increasing light output by 50 percent. Terawatt will also create a deflationary currency to compete with FIAT and digital alternatives like Bitcoin. Terawatt aims to tackle other renewable sectors like Solar, Wind, Electric Vehicles after proof of concept is achieved with L.E.D.s.
Our Mission
This is due to our continuous coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50–75% of company profits earned from DAO entry/exit fees, profit taking fees (like an exchange), time decay fees, carbon tax data storage fees, carbon credits, and even from affiliate L.E.D. sales commissions to buyback and burn (LED) Tokens. This is similar to the BNB token, but they only burn every quarter, we will burn 24/7.
Utilities and other businesses will want to accept our tokens for payments because our rate of deflation is much greater than all FIAT currencies and most, if not all, cryptocurrencies/tokens while also being more private and secure with zk-SNARKS and masternodes when available. Furthermore, the more tokens they have to enter into the DAO fund, the more voting power, profits, and staking rewards they can receive. This will further increase token value due to the network effect. (Metcalfe’s Law)
The Lighting Problem/Solution
Inefficient light bulbs are creating both unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change, and unnecessarily exorbitant electricity bills for peoples and governments. Terawatt will help to fix this problem by driving LED adoption
LED lighting solutions have never been more accessible or affordable than now. With multiple rebate programs and incentives, more cities are making the switch to LED street lighting. And why wouldn’t they? As we all know by now, LEDs are energy-efficient and long-lasting which means huge savings on the energy bill as well as reduced maintenance costs. But what about the other benefits? Such as reduced crime rate, safer neighborhoods, and overall perceived improvement? These are all benefits that LED street lighting can offer compared to the orangey glow of the high pressure sodium (HPS) street lighting still illuminating most of our streets and neighborhoods.
Why do we need blockchain?
To create an immutable, decentralized, secure, private (zk-SNARKS) deflationary currency with utility functions
We need complex smart contracts to power the D.A.O.
We need Transparency, Immutability, Decentralization and verifications of all transactions performed on the platform
Extremely precise process automation
It becomes convenient to work with other cryptocurrencies in an increasingly digital world. Integration with other projects on blockchain (product tracking, verification, ecosystem expansions, and so on)
Reliability and fault tolerance
Why L.E.D.?
The Benefits
Light up immediately, like an incandescent bulb
They stay cool to the touch even after use
Last up to five times longer than CFLs
No sensitivity to cold temperatures
Do not contain mercury
Some models can be used with a dimmer switch
Available in soft, warm, and bright white hues
“Low energy light bulbs use less than 20% of the energy of a conventional light bulb, and can last up to 15 times longer.” -Carbonfootprint.com
Token Description
Our project will use Ethereum to issue and create tokens mainly because it has the base foundation that our technology will implement. Terawatt will manipulate the blockchain smart contracts. Our token will be a standard ERC20 token with some specific modifications. Our algorithms will verify that the consumer has actually purchased the bulbs from a suitable seller and add the transaction to the blockchain. Smart contracts will execute and manage the entire process.
BlooCYS - 전문가의 손끝 따뜻한 인사, 내 친구는 아래 BlooCYS에 관한 프로젝트와 비디오 올바른 사람 고용 Edison은 엔지니어를 고용하는 특별한 방법을 사용했습니다. 그는 전구를 들고 얼마나 많은 물이 들어 있는지 물어 보았습니다. 일부 후보자는 대답을 결정하기 위해 게이지, 측정 및 과학 계산을 사용했습니다. 다른 사람들은 전구를 물로 채우고 내용물을 측정 컵에 쏟아 부었습니다. 어느 후보자가 일자리를 얻었습니까? 전구로 물을 채우는 간단한 접근법으로 사용되는 것들. 팀에 추가 할 개인의 유형을 결정하고, 직업 설명을 작성하고 급여 범위를 결정한 후에는 검색을 시작합니다. 비즈니스 비전을 실현하는 데 도움이되는 사람들을 찾으려면 어디로 가나 요? 시작하기 가장 좋은 장소는 자체 비즈니스 네트워크 내에 있습니다. 다른 사람들에게 다가 가서 자격있는 후보자를 찾고있는 이유는 무엇입니까? 많은 비즈니스 소유자와 관리자는 좋은 직원을 배치하기 어려운 위치에 있다는 것을 깨닫고 가능한 언제든지 해당 사람들을 추천 할 수있는 기회를 환영합니다. (그러나 후보자는 기업 경험이나 사고 방식을 가지고 있음을 명심하십시오.) 또한, 거의 모든 기업인들은 구직 과정에있는 친구와 전 동료가 있습니다. 네트워킹은 항상 고품질의 개인을 찾는 가장 좋은 방법임이 입증되었습니다. 인력 파견 기관은 비용이 많이 들지만 돈 가치가 있습니다. 일반적으로 직원의 1 년 연봉의 직원 비율을 지불합니다. 그러나 임시 인력 파견 기관과 마찬가지로 직무 설명을 수정하고 공정한 시장 급여 범위를 설정하고 모든 후보자를 사전 검사하고 테스트를 수행하고 필요한 배경 및 참조 점검을 수행하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 직원 고용 경험이 전혀 없다면 인력 파견 회사가 현명한 방법이 될 수 있습니다. 그러나 BlooCYS를 사용하여 비즈니스를위한 전문가를 모집하는 가장 좋은 방법이 있습니다. BlooCYS를 사용하면 더 많은 전문...
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