The company’s operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ are set forth in the company’s filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The company undertakes no obligation to update the results of these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after today or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell securities including but not limited to within any jurisdiction in which the sale of such securities would be unlawful.
Mr. Ben has extensive technical and business experience in forming joint ventures and strategic alliances, entering into commercial ventures and significant contacts across the globe with heads of governments. As part of his team, he has engineers and experts in waste to energy power generation with the latest technologies, recognized on a global scale.
The information set forth herein have not been reviewed, approved or disapproved, nor has the accuracy or adequacy of the information set forth herein been passed upon, by the Securities and Exchange Commission or any state securities administrator. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense. An investment in the securities offered by the company is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. Investment in the securities offered hereby is suitable only for persons of substantial financial means who can afford a total loss of their investment.
WPP ENERGY’s mission has remained consistent throughout the years and that mission is to use Innovative and Disruptive Technologies to Produce and Provide the World’s Most Affordable and Efficient 100% Clean Energy.
2000 WPP President Mr. Ben and his team of engineers conducted ongoing research and development, partnering with world leaders in power generation sectors focussing on the world’s most advanced technology to reach the highest possible capacity of power production, and at the same time to reduce the cost of operations with the vision to run only clean energy sources to address global warming and to present power producers around the world with a viable solution to produce power in an environmentally friendly way, resulting in clean air for the benefit of generations to come.
From 2006–2008 WPP President Mr. Ben had power plants in Managua, Nicaragua for upgrading into Biomass plant. The conversion was to adopt new advanced Pyrolysis, combining Plasma Gasification with the Pyrolysis using tires and biomass combination to increase the amount of BTU’s converting the plants to run on a clean energy, with much higher profits on the sale of the Carbon Black, and Stainless Steel by products using the Kremsmuler exhaust system that eliminates the gases and fumes used as a second cycle, increasing power production by 18%.
Also in 2017 WPP ENERGY established 35 year contracts in Africa for waste to energy projects at the Federal Government level. This encompasses over 10,000 metric tons per day of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Each of 5 Power Plants will process 2000 Metric Tons of MSW Per Day converting waste into power and by-products. WPP ENERGY has simultaneously secured a government Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to consume the energy produced at 14.5 cents per kilo watt. In addition a 35 year agreement is in place for gate/tipping fees of $35 per metric ton. Contract includes yearly increases in the per kilowatt price and in the gate/tipping fees.
Mr. Kohn was the Founder and CEO of Utiliparts (partners with Exelon NYSE:EXC) — Grew to over $3 Billion in Utility Parts while Robert Kohn was the CEO. Mr. Kohn was Co-Founder, CEO and Board of Director of AssetTrade.com (now www.go-dove.com)with 1200 employees in 21 countries. Robert Kohn raised $65 Million equity from Internet Capital Group, DuPont and Alcoa.
Mr. MacDonald is passionate about renewable energy and making an impact in developing nations, having witnessed first hand unacceptable living conditions in Africa while conducting precious metals business as an invited delegate of the Ghana Minerals Commission. Mr. MacDonald is under accelerated tutorship from WPP President Mr. Ben, undergoing a focused study of renewable energy and to ensure this is translated into an optimum cryptocurrency model where investors in WPP TOKEN receive maximum financial benefit from all of WPP ENERGY’S present and future activity.
WEB SITE: https://wppenergy.io//
WHITEPAPER: https://wppenergy.io/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wppenergycoin
Telegram: https://t.me/WPPEnergy
My name:fesia007
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