
DiceMoney ICO Review

The core element in the new model is called DICE (DIgital CErtificate). DICE is a sequence of 1024 bits which conform to a certain set of rules.
Valid DICE units can be stored and later exchanged for physical goods, services, or digital content in a process called Trading.
The process of creating new DICE units is called Mining, in which computing power is used to generate a block of 1024 bits which can be considered as a valid DICE.
The DICE economy is not based on a blockchain. Instead, it consists of small clusters of Miners gathered around entities called Operators — IT hubs whose purpose is to perform validation of DICE units, and to maintain a database of DICE units associated with that particular operator.
Any type of entity can be an operator in the global DICE economy.
Examples may include all business or non-business organisations, a family or even a single individual.
Operators are considered as limited trust parties (only within the scope of DICE associated with the operator), and all other users are considered as untrustworthy parties.
Every DICE unit is associated with only one operator on whose behalf it has been mined. The unit itself, however, is valid in the global economy regardless of which operator it is associated with.
Newly mined DICE are initially owned by the miner who has mined them, and their value is added to the capitalisation of the operator on whose behalf they have been mined.
Therefore it is in an operator’s own interest to incentivise having as many DICE as possible mined and circulating in the economy and associated with them as the operator.
Every individual can perform as a miner (optionally), and can mine for more than one operator as well.
Operators are completely independent from each other, but DICE units are global.
Dice is practically impossible to steal
Can the biggest hacker ever steal even one physical atom? The answer is no. Hackers can only steal data, but DICE exists as an object in the real world.
To steal DICE, you first need to gain access to, you then need to hack, without any warranty you can. Because each DICE is unique, you should try to hack every individual DICE that makes the effort outweigh any possible results.
Unite around the same destination
One of the biggest problems of society today is inequality. 1% getting richer with us all getting poorer.
DICE is an entirely new economic model in which people have the power to create tradable assets themselves, while at the same time helping to build businesses where they trust. Mine to support start-up your fun buddies, or to local hospitals, charities or schools, or for a million other things — the power of choice is in everyone’s hands, at a minimal cost.
Our “crowdmine fund” is one of the biggest advances in modern finance.
Transactions are absolutely free
Why would anyone agree to be billed for giving money to others?
DICE can be mined offline
Offline mining capabilities open up the possibility for some very interesting and sophisticated fintech products that we will see in the near future.
The DICE Money ICO
DICE Money is a commercial entity focused on development and distribution of end-user products and solutions for the DICE ecosystem. The purpose of DICE Money’s ICO is to ensure initial market penetration of DICE through the use of already established Blockchain technology. A secondary goal is to raise funds for the business and further development of the DICE global ecosystem.
The ICO for funding DICE Money will be in the form of a separate Ethereum-based ERC20 utility type token called “Dicet” (exchange symbol “CET”), which can be traded as separate asset on the blockchain market.
DICE Money consists of 100,000,000 Dicets priced in Ethers and allocated to six stakeholder groups.
No Dicets will be ever issued outside of this allocation plan.
Dicet Allocation
DICE Money Core Team : 15,000,000
Advisors and Extended Team : 10,000,000
DMF Seed Fund : 10,000,000
Referrals and Donations : 5,000,000
Pre-ICO Sale : 5,000,000
ICO : 55,000,000
Total Dicets Allocated : 100,000,000
Pre-ICO Sale
5,000,000 Dicets at a discounted price of 0.0005 ETH per token. Available only until the quantity is sold out.
Additional to this, for the first 100 transactions made the price will be further discounted at only 0.0003 ETH per token.
Pre-ICO sale offers the opportunity to early adopters to acquire Dicet at the lowest cost.
4-Wave ICO Progressive Swap Rate
After completion of the untimed Pre-ICO phase, the ICO launches in up to four investment waves.
55,000,000 allocated Dicets, hard capped and spread as follows:
Token Usability
The Dicet tokens can be traded on the blockchain exchanges but will be convertible into native DICE at a later date at a gradually decremental rate as follows:
Time After ICO End Dicets per DICE
0–12 weeks 100
13–26 weeks 25
27–39 weeks 5
40–52 weeks 1
53–65 weeks 0.5
66–78 weeks 0.1
79 weeks and beyond 0.01
DICE Money Post-ICO Budget Utilisation
DICE Money has a distinct “R&D” focus with major part of the company’s budget going toward research and development of new products and solutions for the DICE ecosystem.
Another important chunk is allocated for expansion and support of the DICE cloud infrastructure, including address translation and security. We are planning to seek future cooperation with banks and established major payment processing brands for smooth implementation of DICE in the street market through compatible cards and card readers.
DICE Money will also commit to supporting the work of “DICE Money — Foundation” so the underlying DICE concept and protocol can be improved further along with extensive promotion and educational activities.
July 2017
Initial concept developed and an early version of the technical whitepaper written
November 2017
Initial alpha mining and operator software; first valid units; core team formed
January 2018
Team growing and traction building; further improvements in the protocol for better security
February 2018
DICE Money Ltd officially registered; internal tests with beta version mining and operator solutions
March 2018
Demo operators online and early software available to users
May 2018
July 2018
Existing to date DICE system code released for wide community support
January 2019
Embedded operator and end-user mining solutions commercially available
February 2019
DICE available as tradeable stock
June 2019
DICE Card prototypes
November 2019
Enterprise solutions and partnerships for DICE integration and support
more to come…
For more Information

My name:fesia007


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