What is RAYS Network?
RAYS Network is a cryptocurrency that has come to better your experience within the cryptocurrency world. RAYS Network is a whole new blockchaiin technology that has adopted and modified known features of the cryptocurrency world such as Delegated Proof of Stake and Bulletproof algorithm to meet its community members’ needs. In fulfilment of the community’s (companies, private and retail investors) requirements, RAYS Network was developed to create something useful for the community.
Features of RAYS Network
  • Customized Delegated Proof of Stake (C-DPoS)
    • Bulletproof Protocol for privacy
    • Flexible Blockchain Network (FBN)
    • Enterprise Privacy Blockchain Solution (EPBS)
    • Zero transaction fee
    • RAYS pay and Micro-transactions
    • RAYS 3S Wallet
    • Quantum Proof
    • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) compliance
    Below is a diagram that shows all these features.
How Does These Features Make RAYS Network Unique
• Companies, industries and every cryptocurrency users deserve better when it comes to their transactions. The cryptocurrencies in existence now obtain charges on transactions and these transactions too take quite some time in order to be completed (get verified on the blockchain). The Ultra-fast transactions with zero fees will enable users of the RAYS Network to make very quick transactions without transaction fees being charged. This will increase the scalability of our blockchain as businesses, industries, companies, and everyone adopt RAYS Network as a mode of payment. With the zero transaction fee features, people can make micro-transactions without worrying about transaction fees which may even be higher than the amount being transferred. Also, with the RAYS Multi-Transactional System, heads of enterprises will be able to send payments to hundreds of their employees at the click of a button.
• The C-DPoS feature makes RAYS Network the most decentralized, fast and efficient blockchain.
• Privacy and security issues are the major concerns that need to be addressed in the cryptocurrency world. We have all heard of news where some cryptocurrencies have been hacked and investors lost their investment through this hack. RAYS network is secured and safe and have even thought ahead to make its blockchain immune to attacks from quantum computers. With the EPBS feature in the RAYS Network, people can make private transactions on a public blockchain. The weakness with the use of traditional blockchain systems is that, anytime data is sent or transactions are made on a public blockchain, these data or content of transactions can be seen by unintended persons who are on the same blockchain and RAYS Network has found a way to better the traditional blockchain system.
• RAYS 3S Wallet. The 3S stands for Secure, Safe and Smart. This wallet will have a Two Factor Authentication and an Anti-Phishing measures that make it secured. If someone tries to access your wallet forcefully, there is an Automatic Disable Feature that will automatically disable the wallet after a number of unsuccessful attempts.
• RAYS Network will establish RAYS Research Laboratories all over the world. This is to bring researcher together so that they can collaborate in the research and the development of blockchain solutions for various industrial and general case problems.
Token Distribution
Token Sale Plan
Come and join us and together we shall revolutionize the blockchain technology. For more information on RAYS Network, check out our website.

My name:fesia007


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